Physical and Occupational Therapists can help patients improve their posture and core strength, decrease myofascial restrictions around the diaphragm muscle, and help the thoracic region, rib cage, and sternum. The Therapists will also educate the patient on proper positioning for eating, sleeping, and sitting, as well as how to choose the correct clothing to wear to help relieve and prevent the symptoms of GERD.
Physical and Occupational Therapists can assist and teach patients how to do the exercises needed to improve strength. They can also teach the patient how to perform pranayama
yogic breathing which will help the patient decrease or avoid symptoms of acid reflux. Exercise
will also help keep the patient from having to take things like peptacids, antibiotics, opioids and
other medications.
For more information, please contact Hima Dalal at www.vitalenergytherapy.com.
Tyler Ryan is an award winning television and radio personality living in South Carolina. He is available to host or speak at your event. Email: