Join me as I venture to Montana to speed test a friends highly efficient wicked fast longbows.
Anyone else out there making bows like this? I want to hear from you email me
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Interested in reading about some of our journey into the realm of making light draw speed bows? Quick link to book only on Amazon click here
long range shots in video being done with 30lb bow were at 50 yds.
multiple shots were performed over chrono per bow to achieve consistent results. For video length purposes the avg was taken on each.
Thanks for watching!
Measuring a Bow’s Hunt-Ability
(Excerpted from The Lure Of The Light Draw Bow)
Three men walk into an Archery shop. The first man says, “ I want to go hunting with a bow and I know that I can pull 60# to full draw.” The second man says, “I want to go hunting with a bow, what would you recommend?” The third mans says, “I want to go hunting with a bow that’s comfortable to shoot.”
The first man walks out with a 60# bow. The second man walks out with a 50# bow. The third man walks out with a 35# bow. All three men are successful hunting that fall and all three men had complete pass through shots on deer. What does that say about using a bow’s draw weight as a criterion for measuring a bow’s hunt-ability?
In the general archery community there are certain ideas and beliefs that have become so common that they are accepted as fact. Examples of some of those ideas and beliefs are; you need a minimum of a 45# bow to hunt large game (as in deer, elk, etc), more draw weight = more power = more arrow velocity, more=bigger = better, you need heavy arrows with high FOC (forward of center balance point of the arrow), high tech materials and techniques are superior, you need to have the latest innovations or you’re actually under equipped. And there are more and more and more beliefs.
People have been hunting with bows and arrows successfully for over 10,000 years. For some of those 10,000 years they didn’t have carbon fibers in their interchangeable bow limbs and yet they were successful.
What does a bow, and a bow in combination with an arrow, actually have to do to have Hunt-Ability? It has to launch an arrow of sufficient weight and speed to penetrate an animal to the point of disrupting its vital functions. Now the question becomes what is sufficient weight and speed? In real life that is gleaned from actual experience. It probably became evident early on that some bows shot arrows faster than other bows and that was a good thing.
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