
Ballet Of The Unhappy Chicks | Homemade Stop Motion Animation

Ballet Of The Unhappy Chicks | Homemade Stop Motion Animation Did you know that hens poop and lay eggs through the same hole?

Did you know that for the male chicks born in the egg industry their first day of life is also their last? Since males don't lay eggs, they are considered "waste products" and are tossed into a grinder, suffocated in plastic bags or gassed to death. This happens regardless of labels such as "organic", "cage-free", "humane" or even "RSPCA Approved".

Did you know that hens naturally only lay around 12-15 eggs per year, but are forced to lay up to 300 for commercial egg production?

Did you know that laying hens can live up to around 8 years, but are slaughtered at only 1.5 years?

Did you know that you can easily replace eggs in baking with bananas, flaxseeds, chia seeds and applesauce? Or make scrambled "eggs" with tofu and turmeric powder?

This homemade stop motion animation was made using recycled cardboard and old origami papers.

Music originally by Mussorgsky, interpretation by Asya & Barsik

eggs,egg truth,egg industry,egg cruelty,egg myth,vegan,animal rights,speciesism,animal liberation,friends not food,chicks,hens,battery cages,factory farm,Mussorgsky,Pictures At An Exhibition,Night On Bald Mountain,Asya & Barsik,ballet,яйцо,яйца,цыплята,веган,веганство,права животных,Мусоргский,картинки с выставки,ночь на лысой горе,卵,ビーガン,アニマルライツ,ムソルグスキー,ひよこ,オムレツ,オムライス,たまご焼き,

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