Have you ever heard of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Acts? Chances are you may not have. This is a lesser known law than most but it is perhaps one of the most important. The left wants to FULLY REPEAL this law which would be a DISASTER for our right to keep and bare arms. #GeorgeSoros #OpenSocietyInstitute #EverytownForGunSafety #TheBradyCoalition #NotOneMore #GunControl #SupportTheNRA #GunOwnersOrg #SecondAmendmentFoundation #SAF #ComeAndTakeIt #MolonLabe #DontTreadOnMe #SecondProtectsTheFirst #RahmEmannuel #AdamSchiff #JoshBernsteinShow
George Soros,Gun Control,NRA,SAF,Gun Owners Of America,Second Amendment,Open Society Institute,2020 Democrats,Red Flag Laws,Background Checks,Every Town For Gun Safety,The Brady Coalition,Josh Bernstein Show,