
FLAT EARTH BRITISH, Game Changer! Could Have Cathedrals Be Originally Made Of WOOD?

FLAT EARTH BRITISH, Game Changer! Could Have Cathedrals Be Originally Made Of WOOD? If true guys this is a game changer ,Following the excellent research of Alexautomagic we find that originally the Arch De Triumph in Paris was built in wood blocks .With many evidence to shown here to corroborate Wise Up of You Tubes idea that the wood ,metal and other building substances turn to stone with long periods under mud ,or water ,or ash. The evidence is overwhelming ,and mindblowing in this post .I hope i did it justice of Alex's attractive narrative ,lets dig more to verify this idea further .Excellent work but more to come on this very soon i hope you got the point .Please watch and learn,more work need to be done on this idea ,but i like it. Links to see your your selves make your own minds up. links Rebel Special thanks to Alex for all his efforts to get answers. linked are Capt Kirk with evidence to wireless transitions in antiquity . EPIC! FEB Vanavog not to be missed . Wise Up!! & VM on Mud flood & Jaxdaydreaming with London Mudflooders and the epic show from Rosette Delacroix with Philipp Druzhinin hope you enjoy link to my Patreon for support to for a PC mines had it, and my Paypall to survive another month thanks and peace & love peeps stay Epic no matter what they throw at you .see you soon God willing,

martin,liedtke,ancient arcutuctre,ancient text,catherdrals,mud flood,flat earth british,flat earth convention,

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