
How the Five Roles of a Leader create tangible results | Made to Thrive

How the Five Roles of a Leader create tangible results | Made to Thrive Welcome to video three in this series of 34, two-minute videos outlining the key concepts in my new book, Made to Thrive.
Made to Thrive outlines the five key roles that a leader must undertake to transition from being a good leader to being a great leader.
Those five roles are: accountability, ambassador, culture, strategy and succession planning.

Today, we're talking about the way in which the book ties together and, in particular, the Made to Thrive checklist, the assessment and the structure of the book.

Each of the five roles are represented within a star, that is accountability, ambassador, culture, strategy and succession planning, and then each of the sections within the book, each of the questions within the checklist, are represented by one of these dots.
As you fill out the assessment, the more dots that you get, the higher you perform on that role and so within the book you can see the opportunities to improve.
Five questions about each of the five roles, so one branch of the star is about accountability, one branch is about ambassador, culture, strategy and succession planning.
And what you can hopefully see there is that the line indicates the person's comfort zone.
Maybe you've seen the internet meme which is where the magic happens.
So there's your comfort zone and then outside of that is the area where the magic happens.
To get outside of your leadership comfort zone, you need to get out where the magic happens and that's what we're doing through this star assessment.
You can see that for this person, what we've got is they've scored only a few which are inside the star so they've scored twos and threes.
To get out where the magic happens, to get out where the real results happen as a result of these five roles, they need to get outside of the star, and so the magic happens outside of the star, in the shadow between the points of the star once we get more than three out of five on two roles.

And so over the next 31 two-minute videos, I'm going to break down each of the five roles into their five sections and explain what each of the roles and each of the sections mean, to help you become more effective, to help your potential count for the most in this world of effort.

If you'd like to learn more about Made to Thrive you can watch all of these videos on YouTube or you can order the book now on Amazon and I'll put the links below for both of those.


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I am passionate about growing mid market businesses.

I am a leadership team coach and facilitate strategic planning for some amazing companies across Australia. My background is as an entrepreneur and I believe that entrepreneurship is one of the most noble and yet scariest things you can do.

That's why I help people, I help CEOs:

1. Build a plan to scale up their business
2. Execute & and be held accountable to their strategic plan
3. Keep focused so that they & their team are working on the critical few things, versus the important many
4. Put in place & use proven systems to build an awesome corporate culture that turns their company into a magnet for great people

Scaling Up,Rockefeller Habits,Made to Thrive,Strategic Planning,

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