
I could also be Miranda _English subtitles

I could also be Miranda _English subtitles Nynka is a theatre maker and sister to a brother with the diagnosis of schizophrenia. She has taken her experiences as next of kin and put it in a number of plays and a documentary. For her last play, -Vind je het gek?- (-You think that’s crazy?-) she interviewed six other people with a psychiatric vulnerability and constructed a vibrant and touching play out of their stories.
Miranda is one of these people. She suffers from bipolar I disorder and especially from the psychoses that she had a number of times. She is also a researcher, mother, policy officer, expert by experience and sometimes for fun: an improv-actor.

Upon meeting, Miranda and Nynka felt an immediate connection. As ‘sister of’, Nynka has always been intrigued by the question why the one person does and the other one does not develop  a psychiatric disorder. What defines this border between so called -crazy- and -normal-? Miranda in her turn would like to look beyond her and others condition: What does recovery look like and what is needed for it to happen? Can one go back to being -normal-?
Their personal searches have led to the documentary -Ik zou ook Miranda kunnen zijn- (-I could also be Miranda-). Apart from interviews with Miranda and Nynka, giving both the family perspective and the perspective of lived experience, also the professional perspective is represented by means of an interview with a well known Dutch professor. The film therefore combines two very personal stories with more general views on psychosis and recovery.
tel. +31 6 431 427 60

Een productie van Nynka Delcour en Paul Delcour met Miranda van den Broek. Muziek door Rob Stoop en fotografie door Sanne Willemsen.

Een initiatief van Kracht van Beleving /STZW met inhoudelijke bijdragen van Arjen, Jim van Os, Tofu, Walter, Martine, Mo, Julita en Jolanda.

Met dank aan Het Dolhuys, Het ontwikkelpunt IJsselstein, het UMC, de NS, stichting Koningsheide, Dokter Wittenbergstichting, Samen Sterk zonder Stigma/Socialrun, RDO Balije van Utrecht, Stichting Vrienden van Ypsilon en Lister

Miranda,ISPS,Psychosis,documentary,I could also be Miranda,Nynka Delcour,Paul Delcour,Kracht van Beleving,stigma,psychiatry,

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