
Pt 6 Ch 20 Clearing Beliefs and Desires, the Light is timeless.

Pt 6 Ch 20 Clearing Beliefs and Desires, the Light is timeless. This Light Circle is a continuation of releasing the desires to deny Divinity in Ch 20 of Jesus: A New Covenant ACIM. Starting with the recognition of the Light of Divine Being we ask with Jesus—the symbol of the Light within—to show us whether there is a desire for an experience below our awareness for self authorship. This is the desire to deny that we are authored by God. If the Light says yes, we admit the denial and offer it to the Light for correction—to see that in the Light of Truth self authorship is an attempt to deny that the Light is here and thus see that this is impossible. The play of consciousness is to have an experience in which we feel authored by the ego-to deny the Light is our true Author. We ask to be shown the desire for an experience of time to deny the recognition that we are one with the Light. In our direct experience as Light Beings in Honesty of God do we know what time is? Does time exist in the Light of Being? We ask for a miracle-a change in perception that time exists. In the Light we see there is no time, no change, an no ability for self authorship apart from Light. It is only a play in consciousness that pretends that the Light—all the power given by the Father—can be denied in a dream of separation. Yet it is within our power to see that the Light is here now.

In Jesus: A New Covenant ACIM, Jesus points to the power of direct experience of the Light within to clear denials of divinity. He shares that all the beliefs that are denials of Divinity are given in A Course in Miracles, and translates these beliefs in ANC to denials so that we can look directly with him. In Light Circles we focus on the Light first, and in this Light beliefs and desires that seem to deny awareness of unconditional Love, our true nature, are quickly cleared. And if asked, Jesus will reveal the subconscious denials. This principle is being applied daily in the mornings in and the evenings via Zoom to ACIM Course lessons. To join daily Light Circles via Zoom click here:
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This demonstrates the speed and power of looking directly at beliefs and desires with Jesus- to focus on light and follow the light within as the speedup for Spiritual Awakening.

Drop all metaphysical discussions and explanations. You are Light and as Light you can see the truth of who you are now, and through the power of who you are beliefs can be dropped immediately. Jesus will quickly reveal every belief in the subconscious mind - the chaff that needs to be burned to reveal the good wheat - Unconditional Love.

Can beliefs be cleared quickly?

To learn more about Joining in Light, start a Light Circle or to join a Joining in Light session via video conference, contact us at

Date of Recording:

ACIM,A Course in Miracles,Jesus A New Covenant,Healing,Spiritual Awakening,Enlightenment,Oneness,Freedom,Inner Peace,Divinity,Christ Mind,Love,Namaste,OM,Light Circles,Joining in Light,

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