
Resident Evil 2 (PS4) Leon A Standard 54:22 (Console & 60 FPS World Record)

Resident Evil 2 (PS4) Leon A Standard 54:22 (Console & 60 FPS World Record) Some comments:

- I got this run exactly after getting a 54:25 run and forgetting to press "record" on OBS.

- At 5:00, I take Igne's route based on the position of the female zombie in the library. When I know she won't be in my way I just go downstairs. I find out recently that Igne's route is faster by 2 seconds (taking RPD2 into account) when there's nothing in your way, but it messes up the zombies in the library a lot and there are some zombies in RPD2 that can fuck up this time save, so I just let the female zombie "choose" for me.

- I got out of the RPD with a 21:16, which is 6 seconds ahead of my gold. Absolutely insane time. Got amazing RNG in the zombie hallway and with dogs, but played everything nearly perfectly too. There's no way I'll ever be able to repeat that time without new strats. And it made me quite nervous the rest of the run.

- G3 hitting me was absolute bullshit. But I had amazing luck in the rest of the run so I won't complain.


08:48 Secret Room
10:04 After G1 (35 slashes)
16:55 Main Hall RPD2
21:16 After RPD
25:44 Before Ada
29:27 Before Sewers
39:57 Before Lab
47:35 After Lab
50:18 (1:07 G3 fight)
54:22 End

Close calls:

- Female zombie in the library 18:43
- G-adults 35:38 (I shot the first one too early)
- G2 attacking too late 40:21
- Lab lickers at wrong position 46:54
- Ivy almost grab me 54:10

Time losses (total 20 secs):

- 2 secs on Ada (missing shots on the fat zombie and bad incinerator).
- 2 secs on blue Sewer zombie going the wrong way.
- 2 secs escaping G-adults after I fucked up.
- 1 sec knife taking too long to break on G2.
- 1 sec bad execution of lab stairs.
- 1 sec missing shots on Ivy after lickers.
- 5 secs using knife on Ivy and having to pick up another one.
- 4 secs on G4 fight.
- 2 sec missing the plug before Tyrant.


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