
The Australia Show # 23: gods and monsters and logically fallacious false dichotomy

The Australia Show # 23: gods and monsters and logically fallacious false dichotomy look how 'they' treated one of their own Aaron Dover and a natural born man (me) then you will know why... it could be your 'lucky' day in HELL.... I mean HELL-0 it's kinda obvious where you live and what kind of freak vampire/zombie tards-freaks run this sh*t show fake reality BS system and anyone involved into the dirt (not before harvesting HGH and blood first after a lifetime of lies and servitude).

... IT's not going to stop until EWE wise up ...

... what's the flipside Penny(wise)? ... oops there goes the dime...

goes with the CON... with I in it... COIN... CON... you dig?

Now dig your grave because there is nothing else to do :)


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