
Boris Johnson urges EU compromise on Brexit as he presents 'reasonable' offer | ITV News

Boris Johnson urges EU compromise on Brexit as he presents 'reasonable' offer | ITV News Boris Johnson has given a passionate speech to his party conference, telling delegates he is to offer the EU "constructive and reasonable" Brexit proposals later Wednesday, as he aims to break the deadlock.

In his first Tory conference speech as party leader he said his position is a compromise that he hopes will provoke concessions from Brussels, otherwise he said a no-deal is coming.

"This is a compromise by the UK and I hope very much that our friends understand that and compromise in their turn."

He added: "Then let us be in no doubt, conference, of what the alternative is: the alternative is no deal."

The prime minister told party members in Manchester he is a "one nation Tory" in a bid to distance himself from the hardline politics he's recently been associated with.

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Boris Johnson,Politics,Brexit,Conservative Party Conference,

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