Mercury: This planet has extremes of temperature. If you land on the day side, you will be blistered by the 450 degrees Celsius heat wave. Step on the night side, you will have to face a biting cold -173 degrees Celsius.
Venus: Be it day or night, the temperature here is a constant 450 degrees Celsius. You will melt away on this planet. Besides, it rains sulphuric acid on this planet and the atmosphere contains 96% of carbon dioxide.
Mars: Death will not be sudden here. It is a rocky planet. Due to pressure conditions, exposed bodily fluids such as tears and saliva will melt away. You will probably die of lack of oxygen.
Jupiter: With no solid surface to land on, Jupiter is hell of a planet. Death will be instantaneous and you will be crushed to the size of a peanut due to the extreme atmospheric pressure.
Saturn: The Lord of the Rings is primarily composed of hydrogen. Your skin will immediately turn blue here. With no solid surface, death will be instantaneous on this windy planet.
Uranus: The coldest planet in the solar system, Uranus has a temperature of -201 degrees Celsius. Just like Jupiter and Saturn, it has no solid surface to land on. You will die of the biting cold and be lost in its windy atmosphere.
Neptune: The last planet of the solar system is the windiest planet. It has an average temperature below -200 degrees Celsius. You will be blown away in the winds and die of the cold temperature.
Life is not possible anywhere except Earth. Why not save our own planet because Earth is, what we have in common.