In this episode of The Beatrice Rose Show, a real estate podcast by Beatrice Rose and Associates ( we will discuss how private sellers and real estate agents can sell their international property to Chinese real estate investors.
Specifically, we will explore:
- Why affluent Chinese investors purchase local and international property
- How foreign currency restrictions have affected the Chinese appetite for international real estate
- What SWAG assets are and why this asset class is popular with China’s elite
- How best to market and sell international real estate to Chinese investors given the current climate.
In particular, we will show why it is crucial for private sellers and real estate agents who are selling property to understand – and then compete with – SWAG when hoping to sell to Chinese property investors.
The term SWAG asset was coined by Joe Roseman from the acronym for Silver Wine Art and Gold to describe a class of prestige-giving objects that also appreciate when sold. These assets – which can include rare vintage wines, blue chip artworks and precious metals – are attractive for China’s elite. Significantly, this also means that international property competes with these assets for Chinese buyers' attention. At Beatrice Rose and Associates, we study SWAG assets (particularly the art market) and use our knowledge of the problems associated with this asset class to frame our marketing to Chinese buyers. In this podcast, we share insights that we have learnt about what we believe is the best approach when marketing and selling property to this demographic.
For instance, selling art and other SWAG assets can be emotionally draining, unpredictable, expensive and slow. In this podcast, we share how we turn this to our advantage when selling real estate, by providing both implicit and explicit assurances that investors have an “exit plan” if they purchase international real estate through us. Through this, we hope to woo Chinese investors and convey that our property listings have the potential to be far more liquid than most SWAG assets.
Furthermore, our anthropological study of the art market have shown that it is notoriously volatile, opaque and unregulated. Investing in SWAG also requires a considerable amount of insight, knowledge and experience, and even then there can never be any guarantees. Again, we use this to our advantage at Beatrice Rose and Associates by showing Chinese investors that our listings can be researched and tracked by methods that are transparent, accountable and audit-able in comparison to the murky world of valuing SWAG investments. Furthermore, when preparing property listings for Chinese investors we also emphasise the fact that international real estate can both generate a return and appreciate. This is in stark contrast to SWAG assets which tend not to generate a return. Thus, by emphasising that property can be self-financing, or self-sufficient; we again hope to emphasise the economic benefits of purchasing international property for Chinese investors.
Finally, at the upper end of art market, highly valuable works are often stored in vaults under layers of security and away from the potential destruction of light, humidity and touch. Again, at Beatrice Rose and Associates we use this to our advantage when marketing and selling international real estate to Chinese investors. In particular, we aim to demonstrate that our listings can be enjoyed and have intrinsic worth; aside from their paper value. When we exhibit at property shows, for instance, we consciously emphasise the transformational nature that our listings can have on investors’ lifestyle; whether for emigration, educational, health or enjoyment.Whilst it is possible to engrossed and metaphorically whisked away to another world through incredible art or a SWAG asset; there is nothing quite like being literally whisked away and immersed in another country thanks to owning real estate there. This is to a real estate seller’s advantage.
Through sharing these tips, we hope we can empower real estate agents and private sellers to sell their property to Chinese investors. With a billionaire minted every 2 days in China and over 1.9 million millionaires; the Chinese economy is certainly on the ascendancy. We hope that this podcast has helped real estate agents and sellers tap into this lucrative demographic.
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We are Beatrice Rose and Associates. We specialise in selling real estate to international investors all over the world.
Beatrice Rose and Associates
International Real Estate Sales | We Speak the World's Languages
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