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Section A complete 112 papers
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#AMIE #IEI #AMIE_Study Material #AMIE_material_science #AMIE_DECISION #AMIE_NOTES #AMIE2019 #AMIE_FEE
That means, those who pass AMIE examination will get equal opportunities for job as well as higher education in both Govt. and private sectors, just like a B.E or B.Tech holder. The Institution of Engineers (India), the largest multidisciplinary body of engineers in the country is the authority that prepares syllabus, conducts examination and issue certificates etc. of AMIE
AMIE is a B.Tech level examination in engineering, recognized by all State Governments, Central Govt.,UPSC etc as equivalent to B.E/B.Tech. That means, those who pass AMIE examination will get equal opportunities for job as well as higher education in both Govt. and private sectors, just like a B.E or B.Tech holder. The Institution of Engineers (India), the largest multidisciplinary body of engineers in the country is the authority that prepares syllabus, conducts examination and issue certificates etc. of AMIE
#amie2019 #amie2020 #amiedelhi #amiekolkata #amietelangana #amieuae #amieaustralia #amiesingapur #amiegermany #amienepal #amiebangaladesh #amieus #amieuk #amie_royal_charter_act #amie_lucknow #amieup #amierajasthan #amiepunjab #amiemp #amiemaharashtra #amie_ieindia #ieindia #section_apass #amie_sectionB_pass #amie_secANotes #amiesectionBnotes #amiecivilenggineering #amie_civil #amie_chemical #amie_computer_science #amie_mechanical #amie_electrical #amie_electronics #amie_iei_civil_notes #upsc_amie #engineering_services #design_and_manufactuting #material_science #computer_and_infomatics #environment_and_society
#amie_equal_to_btech #amie_valid_by_supremecourt #amie_valid_by_delhihighcourt #stackguruji #goamit
Hence a plus two holder has to study total 19 subjects and a Diploma holder should study just 13 papers to clear AMIE
In Section A we study subjects which are fundamental to engineering. In section B, we make specialized study in our chosen branch of engineering. When a student clears all subjects in both sections A and B. he is said to have passed A.M.I.E examination and becomes a qualified graduate engineer.
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