Do you know why a person would give someone a message about having a family, and then years later it doesn't happen? I am 36, and I have yet to see any sign of it happening. Plus, I’m on disability, and my mother helps me. Would any nice guy be interested in me under those circumstances? I feel like there is no hope. And, though I know God doesn't lie, now I believe God actually lied to me. Why would he do that? I don't understand why I don't get to have a family. ► Hear Pat Robertson tackle the tough questions on “Your Questions, Honest Answers”. -- ► Want to check out previously answered questions?
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honest answers,god questions,your questions,bible questions,pat robertson,the 700 club,bible questions and answers,your questions honest answers,questions about god,cbn 700 club,Did God Lie to Me,family,prophecy,i was told,told i would have a family,prophecy hasn't happened,