The Citrus Model Railroad Club has three operating layouts in their club house near Inverness FL, in HO, N, and G scale. These layouts are open to the public for viewing each Saturday morning from 8 am until noon (except August), and daily during the week of the Citrus County Fair, which is usually held near the end of March or early April.
HO Layout - The Allegheny and Lake Erie RR is approximately 30 ft x 30 ft in size, with two full levels. Set in western Pennsylvania in the middle 1950s, it runs between Pittsburgh as the south end and Erie in the north, serving a large steel mill, several coal mines, a hardwood sawmill, and numerous line side industries in the towns along its route. There is a coal branch, a logging branch, and an interchange with a connecting railroad -- the Western Allegheny RR. The A&LE features a unique train elevator that moves trains between the two levels and serves as a staging yard.
Club is located in the Otto Allen Building on the Citrus County Fairgrounds - 3600 S Florida Ave, Inverness, Florida