
Large Private Model Railroad layout in HO scale 4K UHD

Large Private Model Railroad layout in HO scale 4K UHD Citrus Model Railroad Club

The Citrus Model Railroad Club has three operating layouts in their club house near Inverness FL, in HO, N, and G scale. These layouts are open to the public for viewing each Saturday morning from 8 am until noon (except August), and daily during the week of the Citrus County Fair, which is usually held near the end of March or early April.

HO Layout - The Allegheny and Lake Erie RR is approximately 30 ft x 30 ft in size, with two full levels. Set in western Pennsylvania in the middle 1950s, it runs between Pittsburgh as the south end and Erie in the north, serving a large steel mill, several coal mines, a hardwood sawmill, and numerous line side industries in the towns along its route. There is a coal branch, a logging branch, and an interchange with a connecting railroad -- the Western Allegheny RR. The A&LE features a unique train elevator that moves trains between the two levels and serves as a staging yard.

Club is located in the Otto Allen Building on the Citrus County Fairgrounds - 3600 S Florida Ave, Inverness, Florida


Model Railroad,Model Railroad layout,Railroad layout,Large Scale Model Railroad layout,Large Scale,4K UHD,Fine Scale Modeling,Modeling,more detailed,large-scale,model railroading,railroading in a large-scale format,highly detailed,trains,best railroad layout,O scale,S scale,G scale,Railway modelling,rolling stock,carpet railways,model railway layouts,Weathering,live steam,scale models,Model trains,N scale,railroading,model railroaders,

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