
Dobsonfly facts: also known as hellgrammites! | Animal Fact Files

Dobsonfly facts: also known as hellgrammites! | Animal Fact Files On this episode of Animal Fact Files discover animals who purposefully try to look like poop.

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Diana -
Rick Shears -

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Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren -
Pavel Kirillov -
Bob Henricks -
Judy Gallagher -

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L. Shyamal -
Aomorikuma -
Dehaan -
Auckland Museum -

Other attributions:
Adriana Nelly Correa Sandoval -
Even Dankowicz -
Alison Norhtup -
Whitney Cranshaw -
Julian-Caballero C. Camilo -
John P. Friel -
shewbox -
Peter Kuttner -
Danmation -

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