
iPhone 11 Pro: 2x zoom is often just a cropped wide shot

iPhone 11 Pro: 2x zoom is often just a cropped wide shot So I think I've finally figured it out, thanks to a comment by forum member JPack at MacRumors.

The iPhone 11 Pro / Pro Max will only use the telephoto lens on subjects more than 1.5-2ft away, and only in lighting that doesn't trigger Night Mode. This video clearly demonstrates the shift between wide and telephoto lenses (all while the Camera app is set to 2x zoom) and the Night Mode thing (which every review I read got WRONG) is easy enough to test - just cover the telephoto lens with your finger while taking a Night Mode shot in 2x zoom mode - it will take the picture anyway, as it's using the wide lens (and cropping it, to simulate zoom) and not using the actual telephoto lens.

Kinda disappointing, really. But I'm glad I now know when to use/not use the various zoom modes.


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