
Psychomanteum ancient turned modern

Psychomanteum ancient turned modern This long worded title is just a fancy name for scrying, although it did begin in ancient times and what they did then one would hope those who practice scrying would not do now, there is no need to use blood to look at the spirit world through a mirror!

Some believe you can see the spirit of a deceased loved one through scrying techniques, others believe you can see the face of the person you will eventually marry and its often used on Halloween night for this purpose.

I personally have never done it, but have seen it being done, nothing at all happened at that time, the people doing the scrying said that one time they did it and the person looking in the mirror morphed into some sort of demon faced thing, whether thats true or whether it was just a combination of the thought of what they were expecting, the darkness or the candles burning I really dont know but at far a I was concerned on the night we did it all we saw was the same face staring back at us as the person staring in the mirror.

Its another one of those things where its a matter of opinion and belief, if you truly believe you will see something in the mirror while scrying then theres a chance you probably will.

magisto,mirror gazing,raymond moody,raymond moody psychomanteum,mirror scrying,paranormal,ghosts,halloween,spirits of deceased loved ones,spirits,scrying,psychomanteum,looking for spirits,searching for ghosts,Spirit seekers Dorset,Satan,Demons,Demons in the mirror,seeing demons,

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