For too many people, graduation is one of the greatest moments in their life, a day to celebrate the effort from the last 5 years, but it also could be really stressful, I mean, it's a day that your family and friends will remember forever. You need to look perfect or at least as good as you can.
I wasn't one of the popular girls on school and everyone laughed at me when I told them than I was going to move to California to become a filmmaker. Now I want to prove them wrong and show them that I did it. It was kind of personal and immature, but they don't teach how to be a an adult at college.
I see myself as a pretty girl with a nice figure, but that wasn´t enough for the big day. After thinking about it all night I realized that what I wanted was a perfect tan. Not like the terrible tan Selena Gomez had for Met Gala. I’d prefer something closer to Beyonce's nice caramel-colored skin. Nothing competes with Queen-B.
I read online that I would need at least 4 sessions of tanning to get the color I wanted. You might think “why don't you went to the beach and get a natural tan?” Well, I wanted my tan to be done quickly and by a professional. Do you really think Beyonce or J-Lo got that skin tone by going to the beach?
It was called “龍釘”, it pronounces “Long Ding” and it means “Dragon Nails”. Don´t know why. I arrived there and one of the “doctors” received me. He looked at my skin and told me that I would need 4 normal sessions or that I could have 3 “special sessions” for more money. Surprisingly, it was still cheaper than any other place. So I took it.
I had to do it twice a day for 10 minutes. When I was ready to enter the bed one of the Doctor’s assistants took me there and locked me in. At first, I was afraid, oh I was petrified (singing)! Just kidding. I was very scared though. It's horrifying to put yourself in something that looks like a high tech coffin After a few minutes I tried to calm myself and imagine that I was in a Star Trek film to forget about the coffin.
I left my phone outside with an 11 minutes alarm, so I would know when I was ready. The alarm started and I tried to open the bed but it didn't work, it was locked.
Of course, I skipped my graduation day, what it was supposed to be one of the best days of my life turn into a nightmare that I will never forget, especially because I have a lovely bulb scar in my leg. Now I'm suing the “Dragons nails”. They´ll have to pay me a really big compensation that would close down that “salon”.