
you made your choice. | to my ex girlfriend.

you made your choice. | to my ex girlfriend. DISCLAIMER: This is about somebody outside of the animash community.

"I think you'll change but you never do. You never do."

Some of y’all are probably wondering who I’ve been venting about. Every single vent on this channel besides my first video, is about my ex girlfriend. My mental health has spiraled and I’m not sure how to heal… but I think writing out everything will help. I can't focus on anything but this...

Fuck. I don’t know where to begin with you. I don’t even want to do this because I’m gonna cry, but I have to. First, you ditch me crying in a stranger's bed to go have sex because that was more important than me. Secondly, you told me you were in love with me but oh. That was a lie. Third, you’ve lied to me ever since we first hung out about how I made you feel, then you had the nerve to tell me you didn’t feel good when YOU didn’t communicate with me until it was too late. Lastly, you call me crying in the middle of the fucking night that you were sexually involved with another boy, when we both agreed to move forward to improve our relationship.

I’m done now. All you’ve done is rip my heart out and throw it on the ground. You’ve taken advantage of my kindness and generosity. I’m not good at forgiveness and god damn it… I tried so hard to forgive you. But now? It’s over. I won’t ever forgive you. You’ve hurt me too many times. When I went to your house for the last time, I was bawling my eyes out while you didn’t bat an eye. I never in a million years would have betrayed you the way you’ve betrayed me because I LOVED YOU. I FUCKING LOVED YOU. I was in love with you baby. God damn it. I would have done anything for you. You didn’t even give me a chance to show you how much I really loved you because you decided to flirt with somebody else. Oh well, your loss.

If you think this is about you breaking up with me, you’re not getting it. It’s about the constant betrayal. You’ve stripped away my ability to trust others and fueled my insecurities.

Oh well. Good luck in life. I’m moving on.

See you at work.

Angel = Me
Dixie = Ex

I was inspired to do all this because of wxlf-teeth's video. Thanks for inspiring me.


Angel Mask @ 0:17 belongs to chancegiven.
Angel Mask @ 0:23 belongs to gaystraights3
Angel Mask @ the end belongs to slushii
Angel Mask @ 0:11 belongs to shushii
Buster Mask @ 0:10 belongs to xsmallangel
Dixie Mask @ 0:10 belongs to m0rtuum
Dixie Mask @ 0:09 belongs to falibat


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