
Fiona de Lanerolle | The Position of Sin | 5th January 2020

Fiona de Lanerolle | The Position of Sin | 5th January 2020 Are you suffering from continuous sin? If so, then this message is for you!

A message of freedom preached on the vein of the Meta-cognition series that expounds on the position of the Son of God in the heavenly places and how we cannot really stop sinning with our own metal and physical strength. We need to come into a very real understanding of who we are and whose we are which then will automatically accelerate the progress of mid and body towards that place of holiness that we as a church should value very much. Watch and receive the freedom and you can be assured of those troublesome 'sinnings' that followed and haunted you all your life will start dropping off you like dross!

Online Courses by Kirby de Lanerolle and Fiona
* Mysteries of Financial Freedom

* 5 Day Program Online (Colombo) :

* Synchronized Knowledge Online

* Mystical Marriage Online

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Fiona de Lanerolle | The Position of Sin | 5th January 2020
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Copyright © 2020- This video is subject to copyrights owned by Wow Media Productions (Pvt) Ltd. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video without written permission is expressly prohibited.

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