
無心で遊ぶ  Play free from obstructive thoughts オランウータン 多摩動物公園

無心で遊ぶ  Play free from obstructive thoughts  オランウータン 多摩動物公園 Recorded on Dec. 17 2019


Member Borneo 34 male, Julie 54 female, Ceria 5 female, Kiki 19 female, Loki 1 male, Chappy 46 female, Api 5 male, Riki 7 male, Que 50 male

Video starts from Borneo looking indoor enclosure from outside. In an indoor enclosure, Julie, Ceria, Kiki and Loki were playing around. Julie was watching everyone's movement like a goddess while Ceria was moving around like a speed ball. Kiki was putting a fire hose through wire and pulling out many many times while not paying attention to her kid. In other outside enclosure, Chappy, Api and Riki were playing. Api and Riki were playing together forever as usual. Chappy kept eating something all the time. Que was relaxed with a handsome look. When I watch Orangutan's activities, I always get impressed by their ability to focus on playing without any interruption. Their concentration for playing is amazing.

Tama zoological park Tokyo, Japan

Animals,Orangutan,Tama zoo,動物,オランウータン,多摩動物公園,

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