
Sacral Chakra Healing: Fills with Joy of Life, Activates Inner Strength

Sacral Chakra Healing: Fills with Joy of Life, Activates Inner Strength Listening has a powerful effect, removing blocks and leveling the flow of energy in the chakra. It adjusts the chakra to those vibrations that correspond to its reference functioning.

By activating the second chakra, you get rid of isolation, self-destruction, a state of sadness, as well as dependence on a partner

And, on the contrary, you acquire a state of being in joy, success, emotionality, sensuality, creativity, sociability.

Swadhistana # chakra is responsible for our positive emotions, cheerfulness, ability to enjoy life, spontaneity and ease, self-confidence and inner strength. It also initiates the flows of creative energy in us, the energy of change, movement and creation.

The active chakra of Swadhisthana (Swadhisthana) is the necessary basis for the attraction of wealth and various wealth. Svadhistana is also called the money chakra, because everything that is done with passion and desire brings both pleasure and material wealth. A man becomes a real magnet for everything he wants ...

Music by Paradise Music -

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Our goal is to help people relax and meditate, to give rest from the somemantic tense way of life, to lead to harmony with oneself and nature.


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