
What do you consider a priority?

What do you consider a priority? What do you consider a priority ?

There are things in our life that some consider to be a priority, and others take those things for granted. If you have money you can just go out and eat at a restaurant or buy groceries at the store. For others that may not cook at their house they have to eat out so restaurants for them would be a necessity whereas you might take them for granted. $5 for a pound of hamburger might be okay for the person that just goes and buys it but for others that need hamburger they can't afford $5 a pound for them hamburger is a necessity if they can no longer afford. When Things become a necessity the prices should be lower but they're not, that is how grocery stores gentrify a neighborhood. They raise the cost of the groceries so that the person that normally shops there will have to find a cheaper place to shop. There's a grocery store I shop at called Aldi and normally the prices are reasonable but even they have started raising their prices and bringing him brand names. They used to carry cheese for 99 cents now that cheese is a dollar 99 because they brought in Kraft which is $5 and you look at the price I think you're saving still. That is how stores are gentrifying the neighborhood as well, it's not just a high rent anymore it's the cost of groceries to. So what do you consider a priority and have you noticed the price go up if so put it in the comment below.


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