
Bernie Sanders 'favourable' to Scottish independence, brother says

Bernie Sanders 'favourable' to Scottish independence, brother says Bernie Sanders as US President would be “favourable” towards Scottish independence, according to his big brother.  Larry Sanders, a Green Party activist in the UK, said it was his own “inclination” that the left-wing Vermont senator would support independence.  Speaking to the Daily Record, he also had a pop at his brother's rivals for the Democratic nomination.  He dismissed former vice president Joe Biden as “past it” and was even more scathing of Mayor Pete Buttigieg:  “He doesn’t impress me. I knew a lot of guys like that at law school. They are presentable, they are well-washed, they have got a cliche for everything.”  Bernie Sanders, who openly describes himself as a socialist, is the frontrunner to take on Donald Trump in this year’s presidential election.  He won the New Hampshire primary this week and pundits believe he has the momentum to become the candidate for the Democrats.  Larry, who has been drumming up support among Democrats in the UK, said the contest is not “over” but expected his brother to win.  The US has traditionally been sceptical about independence - President Obama famously expressed a pro-Union vew in 2014 - but Sanders could adopt a different stance.  Asked how believed his brother would approach the independence issue, he said: “I don’t think I have ever talked to him about it. My inclination is that he would be favourable.”  He also described Obama’s intervention as “unusual”, adding that he was not sure “what the point of that was”.  On the special relationship between the US and UK, Senator Sanders’ brother said:  “I think there is some kind of relationship, but only because of the language and history. I think Bernard has a lot of respect for Britain, and a lot depends on the politics of the various leaders in the countries.  “I think the Scottish political views are closer to Bernard’s than the Conservative Party.”  On Biden, who slumped to fifth in New Hampshire, he said:  “The kind of politics that he has practised all these years - this easy compromise with the right wing, this acceptance that they are not going to accomplish much….I don’t  think that’s what people want now.”  On the other candidates, he said he could not see Senator Amy Klobuchar going anywhere, while also dismissing Buttigieg as “not up to much.”  SNP MSP Emma Harper said:  “Of course, the decision over our future must be up to the people of Scotland – but it’s welcome to see international goodwill towards the prospect of an independent Scotland.   “If independence is good enough for the US, it’s good enough for us.  “Independence will mean that decisions about Scotland will be made by the people of Scotland - so that we can build a better, stronger and fairer country for everyone who lives here.  “No wonder people across Scotland, and the world, are ready to listen to that case.”

IndyRef2,Barack Obama,US Presidential elections,Independence referendum,Bernie Sanders,

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