
Latest on the coronavirus in China and across the world

Latest on the coronavirus in China and across the world 中신종코로나 사망 630명•확진 3만1천명 넘어

Alarming numbers out of China overnight.
Its death toll from the novel coronavirus hit 6-hundred-36 as of this morning.
And more than 40 confirmed cases from the virus-hit cruise ship docked in the Japanese port of Yokohama.
Park Hee-jun has the latest. The death toll in China from the novel coronavirus is now at 636,... with the total number of confirmed cases standing at more than 31-thousand.
China's National Health Commission revealed the latest figures early Friday, with
73 deaths and more than 3-thousand additional cases occuring in a single day.
In Hubei Province alone,... there have been 618 deaths and over 22-thousand confirmed cases.
That's an increase of 69 deaths and 2-thousand-400 cases in one day.
The provincial health authority says more than 15-thousand patients remain in hospital, with 840 in critical condition.
Among those who have died from the illness is Li Wenliang,... one of the first doctors to have warned about the coronavirus.
Wuhan Central Hospital said in a statement that he died early Friday.
The 34-year-old had warned the public back in December of a "SARS-like" disease,... although the Chinese government accused him of "making false comments."
Two newborn babies in Wuhan are also known to have been infected.
In other parts of the world...
The virus has killed just two people outside the Chinese mainland one in Hong Kong and one in the Philippines.
Japan has reported the highest number of confirmed cases with 45,... followed by Singapore, Thailand and South Korea.
More cases are also coming in from the cruise ship docked in the Japanese port of Yokohama,... put under mandatory quarantine after ten passengers were confirmed to have the virus.
41 more passengers on board tested positive 21 of them Japanese.
That brings the total on the ship to 61.
There are 3-thousand-7-hundred passengers and crew members stuck onboard and the number of cases there is expected to rise as virus tests continue.
Park Hee-jun, Arirang News.

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