"Your job is not to seek for love. Your job is to seek all the barriers you hold, against it's coming." ~ Course in Miracles, quoted by Marianne
Marianne Williamson is a New York Times best-selling author, spiritual thought leader, dynamic public speaker, and a former U.S. presidential candidate.
Her first book, A Return to Love, inspired by A Course in Miracles, thrust her into the national spotlight in 1992 when Oprah featured Marianne on the show. Since then, Marianne has never looked back, penning 12 books and inspiring millions of people to cultivate a life of love and to bring their best selves into the world.
Commune is a course platform for personal and societal well- being. We create video courses with the world’s leading teachers across yoga and fitness, mindfulness, food and health, sustainability, and civic engagement. Commune courses are designed for people to learn together, connect, and bring their best selves into the world. Learn more at onecommune.com