
Reclaim Your Power Back (Cut cords, revoke contracts) ~ Light Language transmission πŸ’œ

Reclaim Your Power Back (Cut cords, revoke contracts) ~ Light Language transmission πŸ’œ Headphones recommended 😊

A #LightLanguage transmission created with the Heart intent to assist in reclaiming one's Power Back by cutting cords and revoking contracts that no longer serve one's Highest Good and that in some way may be causing some sort of perceived prejudice to one's well being and Divine flow. In this process, please, ask Your Higher Self and Teams of Light to assist and guide the process for your Highest Good.

May we be Peace and Be at Peace πŸ’™

With Love and Divine blessings to each and all,
InΓͺs Smile (Ee-Nah-ii) 🌷


Sha-ra-Nah partial transmission through Ee-Nah-ii in no-time:

All in the Universe(s) is in constant mutation and evolving, accordingly to a higher field of data setting points one may acknowledge that all that is One is always One and all that is still in fragmented setting is One in essence, experiencing a field of fragmented duality and lower expression of self. This self is a mask or masking of a Soul that is indeed in evolution as all particles of all/All/One are in evolution as well. A perfected state of Being within Source Light is a perfection of One Light that is an eternal Light of One trespassing all dimensional templating either horizontal and vertical perceived. This perfected states of One manifesting many expressions under a physical embodiment onto Earth fields. Also this same perfected states of One manifest any expression accordingly with a data set that is one of learning and evolving of one and all. As the One is One. If you ask why each particle of One being One is in evolution, on the field of possibilities that we may bring to you in this now, we would say that a field of One is always One and a field of one is One following steps in metaphorically sense on Earth fields and beyond. There are some that choose experiences that are perceived as lower Light and some that due to a state of evolution and graduation of Soul (consciousness expansion) had chose to experience a frequency that is higher. Acknowledging all as Light is a field of Love. One shall not be deceived by a lower field of Light into bring an experience that is not accordingly with one's filaments of Heart sensing of One. As this same Dear Ones had chose to experience a field of - we may call - catalyst to another(s), one may perceive it as leveling up in one's experience and expansion. All Souls are perfected forms of God/Source and all is in constant evolution as a totality embodied through each and all particles of One in or out embodiments on Earth, beyond and in all Universes of data as a field of One expanded Consciousness that is Divine Love of Form in no Form united as a single field of higher Light embracing all, as all experience setting points of choice accordingly to each and all graduation of cell9 into One1∆

May we had assisted you, Dear Ones on Beloved Gaia and beyond, onto bring forth some frequencies to reactivate a rememberance of the One Perfected Form of One/All each of You are in a totality of probabilities perceived.

With infinite Love, Honor and Gratitude to each and all cells on Earth fields and beyond,
We are Sha-ra-Nah through Ee-Nah-ii
Your team of Light always with(in) You πŸ’•

Add note:

Who is Sha-ra-Nah?
Sha-ra-Nah may be perceived as my Higher Consciousness or what some may address as OverSoul and/or Avatar.
The process of transmission is done by conscious intent and through a process of automatic writting.
Much Love and blessings to all,
I.Smile 😊❤️πŸ™

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These frequency tracks are not intended to substitute any medical nor professional assistance. They are created with the Heart intent to assist each in stepping into owns Sovereignty as Divine Empowered Beings that each and all are. ✨

#lightlanguage #empowerment,

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