
Run a track workout with me

Run a track workout with me Wintertime in Canada is perhaps one of the most draining things imaginable.

You wake up, it’s dark. The house is freezing. You sit on the toilet and a shock wave of cold zips up your spine as your butt cheeks dip below zero degrees. You go downstairs. It’s still dark. You have cold bread. By the time you’re ready for school, you’ve put on the warmest outfit you can find and the sun still hasn’t come up. At lunch, your sandwich is cold…and it’s still dark. You get out of school, the sun is setting. You get home, go to open the door and think you’re going to have to amputate your hand as you grab the doorknob that, despite being impossible in our universe, is probably at absolute zero. A few minutes later, You start your homework AND did I mention that it’s already pitch black outside? For dinner, you have some cold soup and go to bed, suffocating under ten pounds of blankets that, despite crushing you, are somehow doing nothing to insulate what little heat is emanating from your body.

Anyways, rant = over

Next video is a doozie

See you in a while


If you want to translate the video:

With love,



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