
Special Green Card Considerations for LGBTQ+ Marriages!

Special Green Card Considerations for LGBTQ+ Marriages! In this video I discuss issues that I often see and questions that I often answer for my non-heterosexual clients who are in good-faith marriages. I felt the need to make this video after repeatedly hearing the same questions asked during video and in-person consultations and believe that the information provided herein may help ease some concerns and provide guidance.

Video by Pouyan Darian, Esq. - I consult and represent clients in many states throughout the U.S. and have streamlined the process. Expedited processing and submission within 3 days is available as well.

Please visit for reviews and click the link in the top-right portion of the page to schedule a consultation (the consultation fee is slightly lower is you book a video consultation). Or call (914) 885-3961 to schedule an in-person, video, or telephone consultation. Our office can be reached at We represent clients in many states and countries throughout the world and I have streamlined the process so that the entire green card application process can be conducted without ever stepping foot into any of my offices while offering top-notch representation and services!

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