
Targeted individuals: they will torture you and punish you hard for speaking out and saying things

Targeted individuals: they will torture you and punish you hard for speaking out and saying things Yesterday I made some videos where I was speaking my mind, venting, letting go of bottled up emotions, being honest and truthful, apparently YouTube or the government or some entity didn't like it.

They punished me and tortured me very hard hacking my phone screen and giving me the knock out punch which is what I call it. They mess with the pixels, use optical illusions and they can really fuck you up. This is about the 8th time they've done it. Then as I laid in bed about to go to sleep they targeted me with direct energy weapons all night long. I didn't use anything to combat the pain I took it like a man. I wake up this morning with my head about to explode.

Who gives them the right to harm and inflict damage on people as they please just for words and speaking your mind???

There evil and I pray for them cause they need it they are hell bound for all the evil they do


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