
[En|韓|中] Can Foreign Residents in Korea Buy KF94 Mask (Covid19)? 외국인도 마스크 5부제 가능할까? 韓國口罩實名制,外國居民可買嗎?

[En|韓|中] Can Foreign Residents in Korea Buy KF94 Mask (Covid19)? 외국인도 마스크 5부제 가능할까? 韓國口罩實名制,外國居民可買嗎? #mask #korea #5부제 #마스크5부제 #외국인 #韓國 #口罩實名制
[2020/03/10 Update: National Health Insurance Service just announced that only alien registration card is needed for buying the mask. Please visit: 국민건강보험 외국인 공적 마스크 구입 방법: 안녕하십니까? 외국인 공적 마스크 구입시 기존에는 외국인 등록증과 건강보험증이 필요하였으나 현재 변경되어 외국인 등록증만 있으면 구입이 가능함을 알려 드립니다.]

As a foreign resident (not with travel visa) in Korea, I was wondering if I am also applicable to buy KF94 Masks during the 마스크 5부제 (5-day mask distribution aka mask-purchase restriction period).

The restriction is...
1 person can only buy 2 masks a week, on a specific day of the week, depending on the last digit of your birth year. For this reason, Korean citizens need to present their ID Card at the purchase.

But does it apply to foreigners with Alien Registration Card?
Check out my video to find out!

*Day / Last Digit of Birth Year*
Monday / 1,6
Tuesday / 2,7
Wednesday / 3,8
Thursday / 4,9
Friday / 5,0
Sat,Sun / For those who cannot make it during weekdays

코로나,코로나 바이러스,마스크 5부제,마스크 오부제,5부제,확진자,외국인,우한폐렴,corona virus,covid 19,korea,daegu,seoul,disease,mask,korea mask line up,south korea,new regulation,마스크,마스크 아리미,韓國,首爾,旅遊,武漢,肺炎,口罩,大邱,台灣人,排隊,搶口罩,口罩荒,病情,疫情,新型肺炎,冠狀肺炎,SARS,mers,口罩實名制,外國居民,釜山,最新消息,新聞,tvbs,sbs,mbc,연합뉴스,대한외국인,서울메이트,비정상회담,에바,모에카,안젤리나,유튜버,대만 여자,한국은 처음이지,외국인 유튜버,한국어 잘 하는 외국인,건강보험증,외국인등록증,재발급,national health insurance service,nhis,ar card,living in korea,travel,where to buy,foreigner,alien registration,card,

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