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Holi is a festival of colors, the second most popular festival in India after Diwali, and falls in the month of March. It's one of the most vibrant festivals.
In this video, Pip shares his Holi album with Rachel so that she can have a glimpse of the festival
Pip has arranged the album in the order of the events that happen.
The first pic is of Holika. Holi celebration starts with the burning of Holika on the eve of Holi. Holika is a bonfire, people gather waste woods for many days and then light the bonfire on the eve of Holi. The bonfire is a symbol of the victory of good over evil.
Burning of Holika has a story behind it, as the legend says, a long time ago there lived a king named Hiranyakashipu. He was cruel and wanted to gain power, so he practiced penance and prayed to Lord Brahma for several years. Lord Brahma was happy with Hiranyakashipu’s prayer and appeared in front of him and told Hiranyakashipu to ask for a wish.
Hiranyakashipu asked for a boon that neither he can be killed by a human, nor animal, neither killed during the day nor at night, neither inside nor outside and that no weapon can harm him. Brahma granted him the wish.
After that, Hiranyakashipu became even more powerful and started feeling like God. He announced that people of his kingdom should worship him, and not any other God. His violence, greed, and pride increased day by day. People in his kingdom had no choice, so they started worshipping Hiranyakashipu.
But his son Prahlad opposed. Prahlad was a devotee of Lord Vishnu since birth, and so Hiranyakashipu never liked him and tried to kill him many times.
Once Hiranyakashipu took him to the top of a high mountain and pushed him, but Prahlad remained unharmed. Another time, he left Prahlad among thousands of venomous snakes, but nothing happened to him even then. Finally, he crafted a devious plan with his sister Holika.
She took Prahlad in her lap and sat on fire, the apparel, flew from Holika to Prahlad, and protected him, while Holika was burnt to ashes.
The burning of Holika marked the beginning of Holi celebrations.
Later Lord Vishnu personified as Narsimha, which was half man and half lion, appeared at a time between day and night and killed Hiranyakashipu.
Holi is played the next morning. People dress in Holi clothes, old clothes that they can discard after playing Holi.
The next picture is of Holi, where Pip’s face is full of colours, red, yellow and green and his clothes are all painted .
All faces are coloured with vibrant neon colours called gulal, and people eat special sweets called gujiya. Its so good to see lovely coloured faces shining with laughter, People and kids sing and dance in groups. All together it’s a time to rejoice.
But why is playing with colours so important on Holi?
Well there is another story behind this too. According to the legend, When Lord Krishna, was a baby, he acquired a blue skin colour after drinking the poisoned breast milk of the demon, Putana. In his youth, he would often feel sad thinking that the fair-coloured Radha or other girls in the village would never like him because of his dark colour. So during the Holi celebrations, Krishna went out and applied colour to Radha, since then, people have started playing with colours on Holi.
You know earlier the colours were made of flowers so they were safe for skin. But most of the colours today are made of chemicals, which affect the skin, that’s one of the reasons why many people avoid playing Holi.
Do you play holi with natural colours or you are still using chemicals in the name of colours. Please comment, and persuade your parents to play safer Holi with natural colours.
Playing with colours is followed by a good feast,
Next comes the picture of Gujiya, the best part of a Holi feast. Its like a dumpling filled with condensed milk and nuts
In many places Holi is also celebrated as a spring harvest festival, a time to say goodbye to winters. Farmers after seeing their stores being refilled with new crops celebrate Holi to express their happiness.
Truly, the spirit of Holi lies in the vibrance of colours, and staying strong against bad times, just like Bhakt Prahlad did.
Hey, why don’t you tell us if you have ever played Holi, what you like the most about Holi, write in the comment box and share the story of Holi with your friends.
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