
The Coronavirus and Type 1 Diabetes - What We Need To Know

The Coronavirus and Type 1 Diabetes - What We Need To Know There's a lot of information about the Coronavirus but there isn't a lot out there specifically for people with diabetes. This week, we're releasing our weekly episode early to bring you what you need to know.

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Stacey talks to CDE Gary Scheiner, who lives with type 1 diabetes. They go over everything from protecting yourself or your child (spoiler: not much different from what you'd do without diabetes), having a good sick day protocol in place in case you or your child does contract the virus. They also talk about about how we can be ready for in terms of social disruption. In other words, should we be stockpiling supplies? Gary says no and explains why.

CDC Coronavirus Information Page

Gary Scheiner's Integrated Diabetes Services

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Episode Transcription (please excuse grammar, spelling, punctuation)

Stacey Simms 0:00

Diabetes Connections is brought to you by One Drop created for people with diabetes by people who have diabetes by Real Good Foods, real food you feel good about eating and by Dexcom take control of your diabetes and live life to the fullest with Dexcom

Announcer 0:21

this is Diabetes Connections with Stacey Simms.

Stacey Simms 0:27

Welcome to a slightly different episode of Diabetes Connections as always, I am your host, Stacey Simms, but this week is going to be a little different because I just want to focus on one topic. we are going to talk about diabetes and the coronavirus. There is a lot of chatter online. There are a lot of concerns. I've taken a lot of calls and private messages. I'm sure you have to you know from well meaning family and friends who may not even have diabetes. And I thought rather than address it piece by piece, we would least start the conversation.

I'm sure it will not end here. But we'll start it by having a really grounded and factual conversation with a diabetes educator who can address everything from what the virus itself means for a person with diabetes, what precautions you may want or may not want to take what's real, what's fake. We're also going to be talking about if there are societal disruptions, right? They've been talking about if stores are closed, if schools are closed, what should we be thinking about now, in terms of medical supplies,

let me do a brief explanation of the corona virus I know most of you already know. But just in case you haven't heard of basic explanation, then we're going to get right to the interview with a certified diabetes educator and person with type one, Gary Scheiner.

Coronaviruses and there is more than one they are a large family of viruses. And it can be it could be the common cold that they cause it can be much more severe disease. The reason we're talking about This one in a different way is because it is a new strain. It hadn't been previously identified in people. As many of you know, it started in China, but it is spreading from person to person, somebody who's actively sick can spread the illness to others. The first case in the United States was reported January 21, the first confirmed instance of a person to person spread within the United States right, which is different from someone traveling here with it was reported on January 30.

You can find out a lot more from the CDC. I will be linking up the information page from the CDC and some other sources at the episode homepage at diabetes connections. com. I'll also let you know that a couple of days after the episode airs, I will be working to turn it into not just a transcript but more of a blog post so it's easily shareable. You know, a lot of people don't listen to podcasts, but they will read a blog post and I'd really like you to be able to share this with as many people as you can.

Media outlets are of course All over this but very few are talking about what it means for people with diabetes. So let's get to it. My guest this week is Gary Scheiner. He is the owner and clinical director of Integrated Diabetes Services, a company that specializes in remote consulting for people who use insulin and we'll talk about how remote consulting and remote services may play a part in the response to the coronavirus. Gary has also been living with Type One Diabetes since 1985. And in 2014, he was named as the Diabetes Educator of the Year by the American Association of Diabetes Educators. Gary is always a wonderful source of calm, reliable information here on the podcast. And he really came on with very short notice and I appreciate that very much.

One more quick thing. I'm going to...


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