
Research the Industry and Companies You Are Applying To Thoroughly Day 8 SEpt 2019

Research the Industry and Companies You Are Applying To Thoroughly Day 8 SEpt 2019 Job hunting isn't just about looking for a good posiiton with good benefits and interesting work.

The fact of the matter is that as we get older, we have less time to dedicate our lives entirely to just work. We have families and lives to take care of. We want more in essence.

So one of the things I advise clients to do is to research the industry and the companies you want to work for very thoroughly - for example, is it a male dominate industry, how are the companies structured (traditional hierachy or flat structure, progressive or no?), what's the culture like as a whole in the industry and within each companies? Do they support flexible working hours, do they promote the rights of women and pay and promotion, what is the percentage of women in the industry?

Write a list of all the priorities you have and see if the companies you are applying to can accommodate your list. Is it wishful thinking if the industry you are working in or want to work in cannot accommodate your list?


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