Let's raise the vibration of our collective consciousness through self-healing and personal empowerment.
Use this channel as a tool to guide yourself into your ''Sacred Space'' wherein you'll find empowerment, acceptance, strength, and resilience to conquer the adversities of life and its constant stream of change and creation.
Life is often far from easy for most human beings. We get both the good and the bad, the warm and cold, the bitter and the sweet. People normally go through a lot in a lifetime.
We call upon to arise from self-limitation and step into your power.
Changing the world starts with you.
Ancient cultures, spiritual teachings and the oldest stories of mankind are all telling stories of transcending your own suffering to change the world. ''Work on yourself'' in modern terms.
What does it actually mean to transcend your own suffering? Well... I personally believe that it must be experienced by yourself to really know.
Instead of becoming a victim, you can become a conqueror. You are free to choose between both of those experiences. Which one do you choose?... Obviously, '' I am a conqueror ''
That is why you are here.
''You are here on this planet because you are strong enough to make a difference''
Go deep within yourself to your sacred space. Meditate... Find stillness. Connect to the ancient wisdom of your DNA. Summon powers from the Universe into the core of your soul and arise stronger than your current form. You are here to AWAKEN.
As a collective consciousness, human beings are striving to evolve and grow. With our emotional and logical brains, we are driven to the need for growth and fear is often a part of our make up.
Don't get too caught up in the temporary wave of negative emotions that come and go. Instead, teach your unconscious how to be calm and balanced and to rise higher in confidence.
Learn from everything and make yourself stronger so that
we can teach others to be strong too.
Programming Your Subconscious Mind:
A SIMPLE yet extremely powerful meditation technique that programs your subconscious mind for success and positive results in your own direction.
Are you ready?... here it is!
Some call it a 1-word Meditation... others call it transcendental Meditation. Yes, that is correct. Find 1 single word or a short phrase that is well thought out and have a powerful meaning to you. Something you want to implement into your life.
It can be anything like:
Confidence, Love, Peace, Fun, Powerfully Motivated, Healing, Warrior, Champion, happiness.
Choose your own word or sentence or one above and stick to it for the whole meditation.
Here is how to do it:
Dedicate a minimum of 5 minutes for you to just let go. Breathe deeply all the way in till its full, hold for a slight second and on the out-breath, say your mantra. For example ''Inner peace'' then repeat...Deep breath. Relax and allow yourself to go deeper with each breath. Repeat this process with focus and patience
This guides your mind into slowing its brainwaves into a more relaxed state taking you into a meditative and relaxed altered state of mind and your mantra will be planted in the unconscious. Allow yourself this empowerment. Try it for yourself.
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It is always an absolute honor to connect with you all.
Infinite love,
- The Mantra Collective