The Sony PS2 is a retro games console now. For some PlayStation gamers that reality is as painful as plucking the greys out of the beard.
However, after the living, breathing disaster that was the PlayStation Classic, we’d say Sony is unlikely to launch a PS2 Classic any time soon. For those missing the joys of the best-selling games console of all time, some comfort is afoot.
Noted tinkerer darkwingmod, who posts his efforts on Reddit, has revealed a version of a portable PS2, using a Raspberry Pi 2 board and some actual PlayStation 2 hardware – the PS2 Slim’s mother board.
The presence of real PS2 components within the handheld controller beats most other efforts (including RetroPie builds), because it means there’s no game emulation involved. It users an SMB server that connects to the hardware via the Raspberry Pi’s Ethernet port, which is used to load games running smoothly at near-full speed, according to the marker.
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