Day #5 with Video Commentary
About this Playlist
Like many new Asphalt players, I fell into the TouchDrive Trap.
First week of July, 2019 with no prior Asphalt or racing video game experience, I made the worst decision during the tutorial by choosing TouchDrive as my steering option.
Frustrated with losing in Multiplayer, on August 19, 2019 a Tilt to Steer Transition Journey officially began with the following daily routines as the main source of practice:
15 TouchDrive MP Races per day
20+ Tilt to Steer races
After Completing all MP Packs, subsequent MP is dedicated solely for practicing Tilt Drive.
Videos uploaded are to show frustrations, obstacles, findings, and overall progression over time. Eventually I will master Tilt to Steer in Ashpalt 9!
My journey is yours to share and see for yourself the challenges first hand.
Realistic expectations with genuine feedback and real footage.
*Note I play using an iPhone 6. May be a variable to consider.
Songs: "Actionable" and "House"