So what can you do to reclaim your power and build back your self esteem? Set boundaries. Draw the line in the sand. Once you've articulated exactly what you will and will not put up with, it's up to him whether or not to respect those boundaries.
Chances are he will not. Then what? Then it's time to make some important decisions about your relationship and your life.
That's where I come in. Through my coaching, I'll help you set the boundaries, reclaim your power, and create a new life you truly love.
The first step to working with me is to schedule a free call on my calendar. No pressure, no obligation. Just a chance for us to get acquainted and for me to let you know if I'm in a position to help.
If we're a good fit, then I'll explain the different ways I work with my clients. Here's a link to schedule your free call: victoriamccooey.com/calendar