
Surgeon Dropout to Entrepreneur | Lessons I Learned

Surgeon Dropout to Entrepreneur | Lessons I Learned Here's how I started multiple businesses while a medical student and resident physician in plastic surgery. I eventually left clinical medicine entirely and have gone all in on entrepreneurship. In this series, we'll cover the lessons I learned and how you too can get involved with entrepreneurship!

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00:48 - Introduction
01:06 - Overview of the past few years
02:30 - Discussing the new series
03:34 - Current strategies
03:50 - Strategy 1: Focus on principles
06:05 - Strategy 2: I can learn anything
07:38 - Strategy 3: Playing the long game
08:32 - Common Mistakes
08:36 - Common Mistake 1: Not playing the long game
09:53 - Common Mistake 2: Not maximizing your potential
10:33 - Common Mistake 3: Letting ego get in the way
11:18 - Common Mistake 4: Being paralyzed
11:59 - Conclusion

Pre-Med Study Strategies (My First Video):

#doctorvlog #medstudent #studystrategies



Disclaimer: Content of this video is my opinion and does not constitute medical advice. The content and associated links provide general information for general educational purposes only. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Kevin Jubbal, M.D. and Med School Insiders LLC will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death. May include affiliate links to Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases made through them (at no extra cost to you).

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