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In the past, the actions of a king caused great stress and harm to two herds of deer. The leaders of the two herds decided to take turns sending a sacrifice to the king to protect the greater good. It fell upon a pregnant doe to be sacrificed and she asked her leader for leniency. He refused her and ordered her to accept her fate. The Banyan King Deer decided to step in and save her.
Jataka's are past rebirth stories. The Buddha, being able to see the past lives and karma of all beings, was often asked to tell stories about what happened to us and to him in our past rebirths. We at watsanfran have selected our favorites and had them illustrated and animated. We learned a lot from these stories and we hope you do too!
Jataka: Nigro-Dhamiga Jataka
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Name: Katie Angkustsiri Yip
Email: ktay.sounds@gmail.com
Name: Nirattisai Thungthong
Email: Kaew00008@gmail.com
Instagram: nirattisai_pt
Name: Chayuth Pantrattanamongkol (Chin)
Email: chin.pant@gmail.com
Instagram: @forgetfulburger
Sound Engineer: Rachaya "TingTing" Kruekrongsuk
To learn more about watsanfran, you can check us out at: