
The potential of Sukkot regarding the reset of time: In the year of Release

The potential of Sukkot regarding the reset of time: In the year of Release New here? Please, watch the entire video and explore this page.

In this video, as the Feast has now begun, Bob and Aaron present some scripture and offer our thoughts on the potential of Sukkot regarding the pending reset of time, including Karaite vs Rabbinical perceptions. We give attention to the feature of Sukkot that involves the (shemitah) year of release and a credit/debt reset back to what it was SEVEN YEARS AGO. TIME is money! This testimony speaks to us about a significant reason for the Feast's focus on joy and rejoicing!

We continue to receive testimonies in email about some remarkable signs and very strong impressions about the soon reset of time.

How long, O, Lord? Our best (educated) guess: "In the Ballpark" - the Jerusalem-time "Last Day of the Feast" countdown-to-the-reset-of-time - potentially


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