
Why tissue cleansing is vital for reclaiming your energy

Why tissue cleansing is vital for reclaiming your energy Natalia talks about the ins and outs of tissue cleansing and explains why it's vital for us all to strive for a more alkaline diet.

Tissue cleansing is all about removing the accumulated waste matter from our lifetime along with the pathogens that are growing - and breeding! - within them. Although this sounds a bit scary, the good news is that we are in control of this through what we put into our body.

"It's so easy to fix the body, it's so easy to get rid of the symptoms, but if you address the symptoms without addressing the cause, you'll never get there. You're chasing the symptoms all day long on every level," says Natalia.

"We're aiming to take out what's not meant to be there in order for the life force to conduct and pulse through the cells and tissues so that one feels optimally energetic and energized and hugely vital."

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