Has anyone told you how to be 100% sure you're going to heaven when you die?
You see, you and I have only two choices. It is either heaven or hell.
When you choose heaven, you gotta make a decision to accept Jesus Christ in your heart as your personal Lord and Savior.
If you choose hell, then you don't have to make any decision 'coz man, as a sinner is bound to hell.
When a person dies, it's automatic.
You'll either go to heaven, when you accepted Jesus' way of salvation.
Or to hell, if you rejected Christ while you are alive.
That's right. You can only choose while you are ALIVE.
And only YOU can make that choice.
Your relatives, your close friends or even your famous connections can't choose for you.
After your death is your judgment.
You'll be sentenced to go to heaven or to hell.
None in between.
Remember, your life is uncertain.
You don't know whether you'll be alive today, or tomorrow or the day after it, do you?
So, NOW is the time to be sure of heaven.
You are promised a sure eternity in heaven when you accept God's only plan of salvation.
This video tells how you can be 100% sure you're going to heaven when you die.
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#Salvation #Heaven #Hell
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