• Introduce the benefits of StellaLife product line to enhance healing and long-term health of our patients
• Identify procedures that will benefit from dispensing StellaLife products for pre-op, post-op and long-term health
• Understand the medical necessity to reduce the dependence on pain medications and steroids with Intelligent Healing
• Enhance healing and long-term health of our patients with fewer prescription pain medication
• Identify surgical and non-surgical procedures that will benefit from dispensing StellaLife products encompassing a broad spectrum of applications, ranging from recovery to maintenance, and from the treatment of oral inflammatory conditions to pain management (inc.: dry mouth, aphthous ulcers, dry sockets, ortho pain, sores associated with dentures, mucositis, Lichen Planus, Oral Pemphigoid).
• Dispense products to patients as part of their treatment plan to accelerate healing, relieve pain and swelling, naturally
• Improve the health of our patients with a natural alternative to Chlorhexidine rinse without the side effects.