After going through the contents of the Budget Speech delivered by Ms Nirmala Sitharaman, Minister of Finance, on July 5, 2019, I find that this is an important Speech containing comprehensive account of the work done by the present Government during the previous term and proposed to be done during this term. It also contains the names of all the Schemes/Yojanas/Programmes policies of the Government which are important for skill exam.
Since the Budget Speech has been quite lengthy, the dictations were recorded in a number of parts and the recording of Part-1 to Part-14 have been released in my earlier videos. This video contains Part-15 of the Speech (with important outlines).
This dictation is from Para 125 to 129 of the Speech containing 589 words @ 91 wpm.
All the aspirants are suggested to do it to get used to the vocabulary used in this Speech.
I would suggest you to write it to the best of your capacity and even if u have to compromise with omissions and substitutions - this will become easy once you rewrite it 3-4 times after practising the outlines of the important words/nouns/proper nouns and phrases and will instill confidence in you to meet such situations in the skill exam
Please remember that the outlines of the nouns and proper nouns need to be drawn on the basis of the sound and there can be different ways for the same.
Always remember to put 2 parallel ticks below every noun or proper noun for its quick recognition.
That’s all I have to share and wish you all good luck.
Please write your comments and suggestions in the comments section. In case you want to reach me, I am available at whatsapp 9810283261.
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The links for the text of the Budget Speech and the outlines are given below.