My skin is clear.My skin is healthy.I am healing my acne.I always take proper care of my skin.I eat healthy food that is good for my skin.I am gentle with my skin.I direct blood flow and nutrition to my face.I always wash my face at the end of each day.My skin is beautiful. Others admire my clear skin.I will clear my acne.I will make healthy choices that help to clear my acne.My acne is starting to clear up.My skin is beginning to look smoother.I am noticing that my skin is feeling healthier.I am developing healthy skin habits and routines.I will wash my face regularly.I will take great care of my skin.Others are starting to notice my beautiful complexion.I am transforming into someone with perfectly clear skin.I can clear my acne.My skin is naturally clearI have naturally healthy skin.I enjoy taking proper care of my skin.Clearing acne is easy.Beautiful skin is my natural right.A life free from acne can be achieved.I have total dedication to clearing my acne.I can direct positive healing vibes to my skin.Clearing my acne will be a massive improvement to my life.With every breath, my skin gets clearer.I deserve to have smooth, clear skin.I love my skin and treat it with respect.
I have a beautiful and clear skin without acne.I always take proper care of my skin.My skin is clean and clear.I have a soft and clear skin like a baby’s butt.Others admire my beautiful and clear skin.I have clear nose without blackheads.I have clear forehead without blackheads.I feel fresh today.I am grateful for my healthy and clear skin.I love my soft and clear skin without acne.
Drinking plenty of water helps me fight against acne.
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you should drink water while listening to this :)
you also can listen to this over night