Game Talk: 9:10
Top Shelf Topic: 20:26
Pint Sized Question: 26:50
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Sound Attributions:
Something Elated by Broke For Free, Downloaded from freemusicarchive.org/music/Bro...
Edits: Cut to length and Faded in.
Heavy Happy With Drums by Ryan Cullinane, Downloaded from
freemusicarchive.org/music/Ryan Cullinane/Heavy Happy With Drums – Beat Driven Productions – Heavy Happy With Drums
Edits: Cut to length and faded out.
Crowd in a bar (LCR recording) by Leandros.Ntounis, downloaded from freesound.org/people/Leandros...
Edits: Cut to length, added vocals and own recorded drink making sounds.
Vinyl_record_needle_static_01.wav by joedeshon, downloaded from
Edits: Cut to length, added to music and raised volume level.
Hidden Wall Opening by ertfelda, downloaded from freesound.org/people/ertfelda...
Edits: Adjust volume and cut to length added jungle sound and voice.
Yucatan jungle.mp3 by folkart films, downloaded from freesound.org/people/folkart%...
Edits: Adjust volume, cut to length, added door sound and voice.
Footsteps, Concretem A.wav by InspectorJ, downloaded from freesound.org/people/Inspecto...
Edits: Cut to length, adjusted volume, added jungle sounds and voice.
Fantasy Sounds Effects Library, Ambience_Cave_00.wav by LittleRobotSoundFactory, downloaded from freesound.org/people/LittleRo...
Edits: Cut to length, faded in, adjusted volume and added footsteps, jungle sounds, stone door, and voice.
Game Show Theme Tune by FoolBoyMedia, downloaded from freesound.org/people/FoolBoyM...
Edits: Cut to length, added vocals, adjusted volume.
Audience, Theatre Applause.wav by makosan, downloaded from freesound.org/people/makosan/...
Edits: Added music, added voice, cut to length and adjusted volume.