
Ep.53 Corinth, Diverse Strategies, and Misread Rules

Ep.53 Corinth, Diverse Strategies, and Misread Rules Episode 53 is where we discuss Corinth, the new roll and write game from Days of Wonder. We banter about whats coming up, including BGG Con in Dallas! We then go on to talk about riding the line between a focused or spread out strategy. We end the show answering the question "What rule did you misread in a rule book?" Come take a listen to this early morning episode where we are drinking coffee and getting ready for a wedding! Be sure to like, share, and subscribe!

Game Talk: 9:10
Top Shelf Topic: 20:26
Pint Sized Question: 26:50

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Sound Attributions:
Something Elated by Broke For Free, Downloaded from
Edits: Cut to length and Faded in.

Heavy Happy With Drums by Ryan Cullinane, Downloaded from Cullinane/Heavy Happy With Drums – Beat Driven Productions – Heavy Happy With Drums
Edits: Cut to length and faded out.

Crowd in a bar (LCR recording) by Leandros.Ntounis, downloaded from
Edits: Cut to length, added vocals and own recorded drink making sounds.

Vinyl_record_needle_static_01.wav by joedeshon, downloaded from
Edits: Cut to length, added to music and raised volume level.

Hidden Wall Opening by ertfelda, downloaded from
Edits: Adjust volume and cut to length added jungle sound and voice.

Yucatan jungle.mp3 by folkart films, downloaded from
Edits: Adjust volume, cut to length, added door sound and voice.

Footsteps, Concretem A.wav by InspectorJ, downloaded from
Edits: Cut to length, adjusted volume, added jungle sounds and voice.

Fantasy Sounds Effects Library, Ambience_Cave_00.wav by LittleRobotSoundFactory, downloaded from
Edits: Cut to length, faded in, adjusted volume and added footsteps, jungle sounds, stone door, and voice.

Game Show Theme Tune by FoolBoyMedia, downloaded from
Edits: Cut to length, added vocals, adjusted volume.

Audience, Theatre Applause.wav by makosan, downloaded from
Edits: Added music, added voice, cut to length and adjusted volume.

malthaus games,malthaus,board,games,boardgames,tabletopgames,tabletop,corinth,days of wonder,roll and write,coffee,

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