
Get to know me with these 19 questions.

Get to know me with these 19 questions. 1) What does your channel name mean?
2) Where were you born?
3) Where are you now?
4) What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite sex?
5) What is your eye color?
6) What's your favorite candle scent?
7) Can you cook?
8) What's your sign?
9) What scares you about getting old?
10) What is the last thing that you bought?
11) What is your favorite holiday?
12) What is you're guilty?
13) What show do you binge watch?
14) What item do you never leave the house without?
15) Are you an evening person or a morning?
16) What is your favorite movie genre?
17) What's good in your life right now?
18) Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
19) What is your biggest accomplishment?

My tags are:
Dee, The Thrill of the Thrift
Nicole Northgarden
Pat, Style with Pat

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